Biophysics and Physiological Modeling - Free Sample Chapters
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Welcome to the chapters homepage for the Biophysics and Physiological Modeling Project. The latest versions of the sample chapters and other resources are listed below (click here for Instructor guides). If you find any errors, please let me know via email - I'd love to hear from you. The sample chapters have been tested in my physics and biophysics classes and the version numbers reflect revisions that have been made.
These materials are listed as curricular resources in the Conference on Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences Report that was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and published by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).
All chapters are copyright © Peter Hugo Nelson 2015-2023 and are reproduced with the permission of Cambridge University Press for non-commercial use only. Only one copy may be printed for personal use and evaluation, and no further copying or reproduction shall be permitted without the permission of Cambridge University Press. This material is due to be published by Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press have recently given me permission to post drafts of the new Chapter 12 on modeling the COVID-19 pandemic. See the listing below. I'll be posting updated drafts as each section is ready, together with instructional videos on YouTube. Watch this space ...
Sample chapters
- Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (required to read sample chapters etc.)
- Chapter 1: Introduction - the Marble Game (v.4.9)
- BrownianMotion (Brownian motion simulation of the physical basis of the Marble Game)
- Brownian Motion Demo (Excel 2010 Spreadsheet)
- How to graph scientific data in Excel 2010 (YouTube video)
- BPM.Ch01_Excel_template.xlsx Preformatted spreadsheet - make a markers_only template
- Chapter 2: Algorithms and pain relief (v.5.1)
- Chapter 3: Finite difference method and oxygen (v.4.8)
- Chapter 4: Model Validation and Penicillin. (v.4.4)
- P. H. Nelson (2010) MedEdPORTAL:,
- Zen and the art of doing physics problems (Enlightenment in problem solving!)
- Chapter 5: A new model of osmosis (v.4.8)
- Chapter 6: Ligand binding and least-squares fits (v.4.4)
- Chapter 7: Diffusion - spread it around (v.4.2)
- Chapter 8: Equilibrium distributions & entropy (v.4.2)
- Chapter 9: Energy and the Boltzmann factor (v.4.5)
- Chapter 10: Random walks cause diffusion (v.4.1)
- Chapter 11: Membrane voltage and equivalent circuits (v.4.2)
- Chapter 12: COVID-19 and epidemiology (Extended) (v.4.4)
- 12.1: The outbreak - exponential growth (YouTube video)
- Sample model answer (PDF for Extended Edition)
- 12.2: Social distancing - flattening the curve (YouTube video)
- 12.3: \( \mathcal{R}_0\) and herd immunity - the SIR model (YouTube video)
- 12.4: Making data-driven predictions - the butterfly effect (YouTube video)
- 12.5: Predicting the death toll (YouTube video)
- 12.6: Lives lost because people didn't wear masks etc. (YouTube video)
- 12.7: Cloudy with a chance of dragons
- 12.A: Penn-CHIME - a discrete-time SIR model for hospitals
- Chapter 13: Newtonian mechanics - Bugatti physics (v.4.3)
Useful stuff
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This page was last updated on February 6, by pHn.
© Peter Hugo Nelson 2009-2025
Conditions of use: If you use these materials, you should attribute the work in the following manner. Please cite the project as a whole as:
Nelson, P. H. (2021) Biophysics and Physiological Modeling; Available from:
Cite an individual chapter (e.g. Chapter 1) as:
Nelson, P. H. (2021) Biophysics and Physiological Modeling - Chapter 1: Introduction - marble game (v.4.6); Available from: