Why does the Metropolis algorithm generate configurations with weight
(not rigorous)

- For simplicity we will assume that only a finite number of configurations
are possible.
- consider a very large ensemble of systems
- let k(a) be the number of systems in configuration
- what we want to show is that k(a) is proportional to
- Do one step for each system in the ensemble and let:
- P(a->b) = probability that the trial configuration for
C(a) is C(b)
- P(b->a) = probability that the trial configuration for
C(b) is C(a)
- according to step(1), P(a->b) =
P(b->a), whenever C(b) and C(a) are separated by the
movement of one atom in a box of side s. If this is not the case, the
probabilites are zero.
- assume that U(a) > U(b) then the number of systems
actually moving from C(a) -> C(b) is:
k(a)*P(a->b) (as all trials are allowed, step(3))
- the number of systems actually moving from C(b) -> C(a) is:
k(b)*P(b->a)*exp(-delta_U/kT) ; where delta_U = U(a) -
as the fraction of moves accepted in step(5)
is exp(-delta_U/kT).
- At equilibrium, we assume that the rates of:
C(a) -> C(b)
C(b) -> C(a)
are equal (microscopic reversibility), hence:
k(a)*P(a->b) = k(b)*P(b->a)*exp(-delta_U/kT)
so that:
k(a)/k(b) = exp(-delta_U/kT)= exp(-[U(a)-U(b)]/kT)
as P(a->b) = P(b->a), and:
k(a)/k(b) = exp(-U(a)/kT) / exp(-U(b)/kT)
k(a) is proportional to exp(-U(a)/kT)
so that the configurations are weighted by exp(-U/kT) at "equilibrium"
as required.
In the above we have implicitly assumed that all equilibrium configurations
can be reached from the starting configuration. (This is the ergodic

© Peter H.
Nelson 1995-1997. All rights reserved.
Last updated December 10, 1997