Forsythe Talks - Convergence - June 28, 2012

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In this set of videos experts from Forsythe provide information on IBM's new Pure Systems solutions and try to address the following:
What is meant by "Converged Infrastructure" and "Expert Integrated Infrastructure"
Advantages and benefits of convergence and expert integration
How PureFlex System, PureApplication System and the Flexible Systems Manager provide those advantages and benefits
Strategies for transitioning to a converged infrastructure using IBM PureSystems

Pureflex Part 1A - Jeremy Wonson - Introduction to Convergence and Integrated Systems Part 1/2 - 7.5MB 12m44s

Pureflex Part 1B - Jeremy Wonson - Introduction to Convergence and Integrated Systems Part 2/2 - 7MB 11m36s

Pureflex Part 2 - Jaqui Lynch - Pure Systems Introduction - 3MB 5m5s

Pureflex Part 3 - Andy Goade - Pure Systems and Integration - 4.4MB 6m42s

Pureflex Part 4 - Jaqui Lynch - Pure Flex Technical Details - 8MB 11m12s

Pureflex Part 5 - Andy Goade - Pure Application System and Flex System Manager - 9.3MB 14m47s

Pureflex Part 6 - Jaqui Lynch - Positioning and Summary - 4.1MB 6m27s

Presentation Handout for Pure Systems Session